
March 30, 2020 at 4:39 pm

Spring Break 2020 | Family, Friends, Work & the Pizza Shop

Take Out Pizza in a Box Ready to Eat

By Taylor Long
Ohio University

While most college students were going on vacation with friends and/or family, I was not. This spring break I choose to go back to work and visit friends from high school, while visiting family members.

My senior year of high school I worked at a Nan & Pops pizza shop called Eats N’ Treats. They have allowed me to come back through my breaks at college to work for them. Working 40 hours a week once again. I have been doing that since late August, with no paid overtime.

But this work is different. It’s interacting with customers again and being on your feet for 8 hours straight. The work I do at college is schoolwork or the two jobs that I have. I do not even work that long on my feet for my second job!

Now dealing with customers, it may be rough, but it can also be fun. We have this customer who comes in every day. She is such a joy to see and talk to! This can make a bad morning go to good!

Seeing old friends from high school has been a wonderful experience, relaying the knowledge that we have obtained while apart and sharing this knowledge. Everyday can be a learning experience if you are open to new experiences! How different are you from one another now? Remember how you would spend every weekend?

The things that you may have worried about at or before leaving for college have come true, we are not has close as we once were. That is a scary thought. Talking in person is a different situation than texting, snapchatting or calling. We may have kept each other updated in some aspects of our lives, but not in all. 

Now seeing family members is a nice break from college life, but let’s be honest—the nagging that they do can affect your new outlook on life. In college you have been allowed a newfound freedom that your family members may not have given you in the past. A curfew, what is that? Staying up until 3 a.m. in the morning, that isn’t normal for everyone? Sleeping in until 1 p.m. isn’t acceptable? Mom, what do you mean you’re not going to do my laundry for me? Where do you think you’re going at 11 p.m.? These are just a few things that you (or maybe it’s just me) have found to be annoying. These are things that us college students may believe that are okay, our parents no not so much. These a just a few challenges that have arose in just a few short weeks, maybe these five months will fall by! Right? 

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