
April 12, 2020 at 5:38 pm

Cooking during COVID | Mini Whoopie Pies in Pastel

Mini Whoopie pies on a baking sheet

Mini Whoopie Pies

By Haley Hautzinger ’21
Ohio University

During this time of social isolating or social distancing, my family and I have been taking up a lot of baking—while we’re at this standstill and have more time at home to pull together some ingredients and learn a new recipe.

Whoopie pies have been a tradition in our family for years. I have brought them to birthday parties and classroom events.

These delicious cake sandwiches include two fluffy chocolate patties with a sweet dollop of icing in between. Whoppie pies can be made into flavors like red velvet using a cream cheese icing base. This a versatile dessert you can mix and match with.

In the spirit of Easter, my sister (Hannah Hautzinger) and I chose three different pastel colors—blue, green, and purple—to fill the patties with. We ended up making a batch of 50-60 whoopie pies instead of the standard 16 the recipe calls for because we wanted mini bite-sized ones. If you want big whoopee pies I would follow the recipe exactly. Also the photo above is not to size—it’s a mini-whoopie pie.

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