
Shorey Gets Grant for Sexual Assault Interventions Study

Dr. Ryan Shorey

Dr. Ryan Shorey, Assistant Professor of Psychology at Ohio University, received a 12-month American Psychological Foundation Visionary Grant to support his project on “Examining the Efficacy of Three Interventions for Sexual Assault: A Preliminary Randomized Controlled Trial.” The American Psychological Foundation Visionary Grants seek to seed innovation through supporting research, […]

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August 17, 2015 at 6:37 pmResearch

Suhr Writes Book on ‘Psychological Assessment: A Problem-Solving Approach’

Suhr Writes Book on ‘Psychological Assessment: A Problem-Solving Approach’

A book by Dr. Julie Suhr, Professor of Psychology and Director of Clinical Training, on “Psychological Assessment: A Problem-Solving Approach” was published by Guilford Press in 2015. This authoritative clinical reference and text provides a complete guide to conducting empirically based assessments to support accurate diagnoses and better clinical care. […]

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August 17, 2015 at 4:15 pmResearch

Osborne Wins Columbia University’s Bancroft Award

Nicholas Osborne

The Department of History is pleased to share the news that Dr. Nicholas Osborne, Visiting Assistant Professor of History at Ohio University, has been awarded the prestigious Bancroft Dissertation Award from Columbia University, his degree-granting institution. The Bancroft Dissertation Award is given annually to the best Columbia University dissertation from any department in the Graduate School of Arts […]

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July 26, 2015 at 8:01 amNews Research

Quitslund Article on Tudor Legacy Published in Renaissance Studies

Dr. Beth Quitslund, Associate Professor of English at Ohio University, published an article called “Afterword: the Tudor legacy” in July. This essay traces the impact of 17th-century changes in political culture, religious aesthetics, and the legal organization of the printing industry on the patterns of use for the Psalms established […]

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July 24, 2015 at 5:02 pmResearch

Jokisch Publishes Article on Return Migration to Ecuador

Dr. Brad Jokisch

Dr. Brad D. Jokisch, Associate Professor of Geography at Ohio University, published an article on “Ecuador: From Mass Emigration to Return Migration?” for the Migration Policy Institute. Ecuador’s geographical variety is nearly matched by its diverse migration patterns. Although it is a small Andean country of approximately 15.7 million people, […]

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June 11, 2015 at 9:56 pmResearch

Lee Edits Book on ‘College Students’ Experiences of Power and Marginality’

Dr. Elizabeth Lee

Dr. Elizabeth Lee, Assistant Professor of Sociology, co-edited College Students’ Experiences of Power and Marginality: Sharing Spaces and Negotiating Differences, with Chaise LaDousa, Associate Professor of Anthropology at Hamilton College. (Routledge 2015). As scholars and administrators have sharpened their focus on higher education beyond trends in access and graduation rates […]

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June 4, 2015 at 2:16 pmResearch

MCB Researchers Present at American Association for Cancer Research

MCB Researchers Present at American Association for Cancer Research

Dr. Shiyong Wu, Director of Edison Biotechnology Institute and Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry, and Dr. Xiaozhuo Chen, Associate Professor of Biomedical Sciences, and their research teams attended the meeting and presented their novel discoveries in cancer research at the 2015 American Association for Cancer Research annual meeting in Philadelphia […]

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June 2, 2015 at 11:35 amResearch