News Research

May 22, 2019 at 5:08 pm

Student Physics Society Fosters Connections and Networking

Where does a major in physics and astronomy go to find a place to connect with other science-minded students? Or learn about job opportunities after graduation? In this video, Society of Physics Students (SPS) President Kate Nichols describes the SPS as a welcoming and informative member organization. Once a week during the academic year, students meet at lunchtime to– among other things, hang out together and eat pizza, listen to faculty guest speakers, and learn about internship and career possibilities.

Serving for the past eight years as SPS faculty adviser, Associate Professor of Physics Gang Chen has watched new students grow personally and professionally into successful career-minded scientists.

“SPS is a great forum to meet other students who love physics and learn new things going on in the department and our fields of study,” Chen said. “SPS does many other activities such as outreach to campus and the local community. The officers and members sponsor an annual Physics and Astronomy Undergraduate Research Conference, take a field trip during spring break, and attend regional and national SPS meetings. As faculty members of the Department, SPS is a great organization for us to recruit undergraduates for paid summer research.”

Learn more about the summer internship experiences of Bruno, Friedman, and Tumbleson:


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