
September 26, 2016 at 4:52 pm

Zoccola Gets APA Achievement Award for Early Career Professionals

Dr. Peggy Zoccola

Dr. Peggy Zoccola

Dr. Peggy Zoccola has been awarded the American Psychological Association Achievement Award for Early Career Professionals. This award, given to early professionals in psychology, provides winners funding to attend A.P.A.’s Annual Convention.

Zoccola noted that this award “helped [her] foster professional networking” which led to “additional opportunities for [her] research and more mentors to connect with in the future”. She also remarked that this honor has validated her goal to “seek a productive and meaningful balance across research, teaching, and service” and hopes that it will also result in some positive exposure for the experimental program and Ohio University as a whole.

In accordance with her strong program of research and external acknowledgment of her achievements, Zoccola was recently promoted to associate professor with tenure.

Zoccola’s research focuses on the impact cognitive and emotional factors have on stress responses. She also investigates the long-term consequences of frequent activation of these stress responses. Recently, she has also embarked on a collaborative project with Dr. Ryan Shorey to study mindfulness-based stress reduction and how it helps individuals “habituate to, or adapt to, repeated stressors”. She also indicated that if anyone is interested in learning more about her work or joining Ohio University as a faculty member or doctoral student, particularly in Health Psychology, to contact her for more information.

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