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December 19, 2019 at 9:00 am

Suhr Study Referenced on Water Intake and Exam Scores

Dr. Julie Suhr, pictured in her office

Dr. Julie Suhr

A study by Dr. Julie A. Suhr was referenced in a Johns Hopkins News-Letter story headlined “Finals Health Series: High water intake is linked to better exam scores.”

Suhr is Professor and Director of Clinical Training at Ohio University.

The consumption of water can aid in memory formation and information recall. A research study by David Benton and Naomi Burgess at the University of Wales suggested that water intake improved memory and attention in children. Their study consisted of testing children by asking them to recall previously presented objects on days on which they had consumed water while learning and days on which they had not. They found that the children were more likely to recall the information they had been attempting to learn on the days they had consumed water. Similarly, a study at Ohio University by Julie Suhr and colleagues found a relation between hydration status and recall of two types of memory — declarative and working memory. Declarative memories are those that can be explicitly stated while working memories are short-term and are important for reasoning and behavior.

This study measured the memory of older adults with differing levels of hydration through the use of listening and recall tasks such as the Auditory Verbal Learning Test and Auditory Consonant Trigrams. After examining their data, this group of researchers concluded that better hydration led to better information recall.

Read more at the News-Letter.


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