
November 29, 2016 at 3:08 pm

Psychology-Sociology Alum Manages Payroll for Pipeline Group

Ashley (Bueker) Wright

Ohio University alum Ashley Bueker Wright ’11, ’14M is a senior human resources and payroll analyst for Columbia Pipeline Group.

She is responsible for all payroll procedures for the company, including processing payroll for nearly 2,000 internal employees including both exempt/salaried and nonexempt employees.

Wright earned a B.A. in Psychology with a minor in Sociology before earning an M.A. in Sociology from the College of Arts & Sciences. Her master’s work focused on digital literacy, with a concentration on college students’ digital skills and abilities.

At Columbia Pipeline, Wright performs a multitude of analytical duties, including preparing various reports for senior management; maintaining general ledger accounts and financial-related records, including both wage and tax accounts; and working on projects to improve the efficiency of payroll procedures.

“In order to accomplish these tasks I have had to acquire an extensive knowledge in the remittance of taxes and various deductions,” she says. “I find my position as a senior HR/payroll analyst rewarding due to my enthusiasm for calculating and analyzing data. I appreciate the knowledge and experience that I have gained in working with various departments, both internally and externally, along with numerous courts and agencies.

“I am a results-driven individual with a strong work ethic,” she notes. “I work diligently and efficiently, especially in time-sensitive situations. I have extensive knowledge in data analysis, along with data management and reporting. My strong leadership skills aids in my interpersonal and organizational personality.

Wright adds that she is a firm believer in life-long learning and the combination of these qualities has allowed her to succeed in her current position and is what continually drives her to strive to better herself each day.

Wright was previously employed as a research assistant at the Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs at Ohio University, where she was a lead researcher and project evaluator on the Ohio Rural Recidivism Reduction (OR3) Project and the Highland County Rocky Fork Land Area Safety and Advancement Plan Project.

She was also a key researcher on Ohio Project LAUNCH and Columbus Kids, both projects which focused on the improvement of children’s development. In addition, she created an interactive online learning community, OU Get Smarts, which aimed to increase digital knowledge and advance students’ success in academia and future careers.

“As a result of my research and involvement at the Voinovich School, I was able to exercise my ability to work on multiple projects simultaneously due to my range of skills and adaptability,” she says.

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