
April 1, 2017 at 9:30 pm

Algebra Seminar | A Brief Introduction to Graph C*-algebras, April 11

Shehzad Ahmed

Shehzad Ahmed

The Algebra Seminar presents Shehzad Ahmed discussing “A Brief Introduction to Graph C*-algebras” on Tuesday, April 11, from 4:30-5:30 p.m. in Morton 313.

Ahmed is a graduate student in Mathematics at Ohio University.

Abstract: To each directed graph E, there is a natural way to build a C*-algebra. Roughly, the idea is to treat each vertex as a Hilbert space and each edge as a partial isometry, all subject to conditions which we call the Cuntz-Krieger relations. This gives us a nice way of “seeing” a large class of C*-algebras as relatively concrete objects. I will start the talk off by discussing the construction of these graph C*-algebras, and giving some examples of C*-algebras which are realized as graph algebras. From there, I will give a brief survey of key results, such as the gauge invariance theorem and the Cuntz-Krieger uniqueness theorem. As the goal of this talk is to provide an introduction, the focus will be on examples as opposed to proofs, and relatively little background will be assumed.

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